August 28, 2024

Naming Your B2B Podcast In Seven Simple Steps

Liebe Bylos

OK, you made the big decision…

You’re going to do it.

Maybe you’ve found your first guest, convinced your CEO to host it, and maybe you’ve even bought a microphone.

But it won’t feel real until you’ve taken this step: named your show.

Not only is this a MASSIVE step towards launching your show, but it’s one of the biggest strategic levers you must get right if you want to find listeners.

Let’s jump into it.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to name your B2B podcast.

1. Understanding Your Niche and Audience

Before you start brainstorming, it's crucial to have a crystal-clear understanding of your podcast's niche and target audience. This insight will guide every step of the podcast naming process, ensuring you're well-informed and prepared.

  • Identify Your Niche: Pinpoint the specific sector your podcast will focus on. Are you talking to marketing professionals, logistics experts, financial advisors, or another B2B segment?

  • Know Your Audience: Who are your ideal listeners? What are their interests, challenges, and pain points? This knowledge helps you choose a name that speaks directly to them.


If your podcast targets supply chain professionals, your niche is the supply chain sector, and your audience includes logistics managers, procurement officers, and supply chain analysts.

2. Brainstorming Podcast Names

Start with a brainstorming session to unleash your creativity and generate a list of potential podcast name ideas. Here are some creative techniques to spark your imagination:

  • Simple and Descriptive: Use clear, straightforward names that describe the podcast’s focus. Example: "The Marketing Minute" conveys brevity and relevance.

  • Rhyming and Alliteration: Names that rhyme or use alliteration are catchy and memorable. Example: "Sales Success Stories" rolls off the tongue.

  • Familiar Phrases: Modify well-known phrases to fit your niche. Example: "Logistics Legends" evokes a sense of grandeur and expertise.

  • Keyword Integration: Incorporate highly searched keywords related to your niche to improve discoverability. Example: "Customer Retention Insights" clearly states the focus and is likely to be searched by your target audience.


Create a list of over ten different possible names using sentence case (capitalise significant words). Prioritise names that use rhyming, alliteration, or familiarity.

3. Using Naming Formulas

Leverage popular podcast naming formulas to create engaging and relevant podcast names. Here are some tried-and-true formats:

  • [Word]: The [Niche] Podcast: E.g. "Retain: The Customer Retention Podcast" by Gameballsome text
    • Find out more about Gameball’s podcast here
  • [Niche] [Descriptive Word]: E.g., "Sales Success Stories" – adding a descriptive word that starts with the same letter can create a catchy name.

  • Brand Values Integration: Align your podcast name with your brand’s core values. For example, Suzy's value is “Move at the speed of culture,” which leads to the name "The Speed of Culture Podcast.
    • Find out more about Suzy’s podcast here

4. Creating a Shortlist

From your brainstormed list, create a shortlist by evaluating each name against specific criteria:

  • Favourite Options: Bold your favourite names and place them at the top of your list.

  • Avoid Redundancy: Ensure no name contains the word "podcast" twice.

  • Check Similarity: Ensure names are not too similar to existing popular podcasts to avoid confusion and competition.

5. Screening for Competitors

Before finalising a name, it’s crucial to ensure it’s unique. Conduct a trademark search to ensure it's not already in use. This will help you avoid potential legal issues and protect your brand identity:

  • Apple/Google Podcasts Search: Search for your potential names on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify. Avoid names that are already in use by successful podcasts.
  • Domain Availability: Check if the domain name for your podcast is available using platforms like Namecheap. This ensures that you can create a corresponding website or landing page for your podcast.

6. Seek Feedback

Once you have a shortlist, consider sharing it with peers or potential listeners to get their feedback. This can provide valuable insights and help you make a more informed decision.

7. Finalising Your Podcast Name

Analyse your shortlisted names based on the following criteria to choose the best option:

  • Keywords: A name is better if it includes a highly searched keyword relevant to your niche.

  • Brand Alignment: A name is better if it aligns with your brand values.

  • Memorability: A name is better if it incorporates rhyme and alliteration or is similar to a well-known name or phrase.

  • Clarity: A name is better if it clearly defines the positioning of the show, making it immediately understandable to your target audience.

Example Analysis:

  • The Marketing Minute: It's highly searchable, aligns with fast-paced marketing updates, is easy to remember, and clearly defines the content.

  • Sales Success Stories: Uses alliteration, clearly targets sales professionals, and suggests in-depth analysis.


By following these steps, you’ll create a strong, memorable, and effective name for your B2B podcast that resonates with your audience and aligns with your brand. Naming your podcast is not just a creative task but a strategic move that sets the foundation for your show's success

  • Without a good name, no one will find your show.
  • Without a good name, no one will remember your show.
  • Without a good name, your show is more likely to fail.

Follow these steps to ensure your podcast name stands out while fitting seamlessly into your branding and marketing strategy. 

Happy podcasting.

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