August 28, 2024

The Ultimate Advice For Starting A B2B Podcast

Liebe Bylos

Picture this: You’re scrolling through LinkedIn and come across yet another company podcast. Out of curiosity, you hit play, but within ten minutes, you’re already checking out. It’s the same old story—bland content, forgettable guests, and a host that sounds like they’d rather be anywhere else. 

But imagine if your B2B podcast could be different. What if it wasn’t just another show, but the show? The one everyone in your industry tunes into, that influences decisions and sparks real conversations.

Launching a B2B podcast is more than just pressing “record”. It’s about smart positioning, grabbing your audience’s attention, and delivering content that sticks. 

This post is your go-to guide, packed with the insider tips and strategies that have powered some of the top B2B podcasts out there. Ready to turn your podcast into an industry must-listen? 

Let’s dive in.

1. Start with a Clear Purpose and Audience

Why This Matters: Before hitting record, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of why the podcast is being started and who it is for. The purpose of the podcast should align with overall business goals, whether that’s generating leads, establishing thought leadership, or fostering industry discussions. Without this clarity, the podcast may lack direction, making it difficult to engage listeners or measure success.

Key Insight: A comprehensive Podcast Strategy Document serves as the foundation for any successful podcast. This document goes beyond identifying a target audience; it involves creating detailed listener personas that guide content creation. The strategy should define not just who the listeners are, but also what they care about, the challenges they face, and how the podcast can provide solutions. This approach ensures that every episode is relevant and valuable, setting the stage for long-term engagement.

Actionable Advice:

  • Define the 'Why': Clearly outline why the company needs a podcast. Is the goal to build a community, establish the brand as a thought leader, or something else? Document this purpose and ensure it is understood by everyone involved in the project.
  • Create Listener Personas: Develop detailed personas that go beyond demographics. Include information about job roles, pain points, and the type of content that would be most valuable to them. Use these personas as a guide for creating content that resonates.

2. Craft a Unique Positioning and Memorable Name

Why This Matters: In the world of podcasting, positioning is critical. It defines the podcast’s identity and distinguishes it in a crowded market. The name and positioning should be more than just catchy—they should convey the value and uniqueness of the show. A strong name paired with a clear positioning statement helps potential listeners quickly understand why they should tune in.

Key Insight: The process of crafting a podcast’s identity involves using tools like Podcast Name Generator and conducting thorough market analysis to ensure the podcast name is SEO-friendly and resonates with the target audience. Defining the podcast’s “edge”—the unique angle or niche that sets the show apart—is essential. This method ensures the podcast is distinct and memorable, effectively differentiating it from competitors.

Actionable Advice:

  • Use Tools Wisely: Leverage naming tools and combine them with market research to create a name that is simple, memorable, and indicative of the podcast's content.
  • Define the Edge: Identify what makes the podcast different from others in the industry. This could be unique insights, the calibre of guests, or a specific angle on industry topics.

3. Conduct a Competitive Analysis

Why This Matters: Understanding the competitive landscape is crucial before diving into content creation. What other podcasts are potential listeners tuning into? What gaps exist that this podcast could fill? A thorough competitive analysis helps identify opportunities and avoids pitfalls, ensuring the podcast is not just another voice in the crowd.

Key Insight: A competitive analysis rooted in real-time data and industry-specific insights allows for a clear understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of competitors. This process includes analysing content, audience engagement, and positioning to find gaps that the podcast can fill. This targeted approach helps in developing a positioning strategy that ensures the podcast meets an unmet need in the market.

Actionable Advice:

  • Research Competitors: Identify 3-5 top podcasts in the niche. Listen to their content, note their strengths and weaknesses, and understand their audience.
  • Identify Gaps: Look for topics, perspectives, or formats that have been overlooked by competitors. These gaps represent opportunities where the podcast can stand out.

4. Set Up the Right Equipment and Software

Why This Matters: High-quality audio is a non-negotiable aspect of podcasting. Listeners, often multitasking while tuning in, are likely to disengage if the audio quality is poor. Investing in the right equipment and software ensures the podcast sounds professional, which is crucial for maintaining listener engagement.

Key Insight: The process of setting up equipment and software should be personalised based on specific needs, budget, and recording environment. It’s important to optimise recording spaces, perhaps using everyday items like cushions and rugs to improve acoustics. Additionally, using reliable software like Riverside or Audacity ensures that the podcast's technical aspects are solid from the start.

Actionable Advice:

  • Invest in Quality: Prioritise spending on essential equipment like a good microphone and headphones, as these will significantly impact audio quality.
  • Optimise the Environment: Use soft furnishings to reduce echo and improve sound quality. In spaces with hard surfaces, consider adding rugs, curtains, or portable soundproofing panels.

5. Plan Your Content and Secure Top-Notch Guests

Why This Matters: The success of a podcast depends heavily on the quality of its content and the calibre of its guests. Planning content in advance and securing high-profile guests not only enhances the value of the episodes but also extends the podcast’s reach through the guests’ networks.

Key Insight: Securing the first external guest—someone not already known to the podcast team—is a significant milestone that signals the podcast’s potential. Leveraging relationships and utilising a comprehensive Interview Question Database streamlines the guest booking process, ensuring the podcast features top-tier guests early on. This approach enhances the content's credibility and authority, making the podcast more attractive to listeners.

Actionable Advice:

  • Create a Content Calendar: Plan episodes in advance, aligning them with business goals and audience interests. Include a variety of content formats, such as solo episodes, guest interviews, and panel discussions.
  • Reach Out Early: Begin guest outreach as early as possible. Use the company’s network and connections to secure high-profile guests. Personalise pitches and emphasise what makes the podcast unique.

6. Perfect the Recording and Editing Process

Why This Matters: A polished podcast reflects a brand’s professionalism. Listeners expect smooth, well-edited episodes that flow naturally and are free from distractions like background noise or awkward silences. The quality of recording and editing directly affects how the podcast is perceived and whether listeners will return for future episodes.

Key Insight: A detailed approach to recording and editing is essential. This includes conducting test recordings to optimise audio levels, microphone positioning, and software settings. Paying attention to the finer details of post-production ensures a smooth, professional final product that meets high standards right from the start.

Actionable Advice:

  • Test Extensively: Conduct multiple test sessions to fine-tune all technical aspects before the first official recording. This helps avoid technical issues during the actual recording.
  • Focus on Flow: When editing, prioritise creating a natural flow. Remove long pauses, filler words, and background noise. Aim for a final product that is engaging and easy to listen to.

7. Execute a Strategic Launch and Promotion

Why This Matters: The launch of a podcast is an opportunity to make a significant impact. A well-executed launch strategy can generate substantial listener interest from the outset and increase the chances of the podcast ranking on popular platforms.

Key Insight: The first 48 hours after launch are crucial for driving engagement. A strategic launch plan focuses on maximising followers, reviews, and shares during this period, which are key metrics for ranking algorithms on platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Pre-planning your strategies and templates for social media posts and email marketing can significantly boost the podcast's visibility and reach during the launch.

Actionable Advice:

  • Leverage Existing Channels: Use the company’s existing communication channels, such as email lists and social media, to promote the podcast. Encourage employees to share the podcast within their networks.
  • Maximise Early Engagement: Focus efforts on driving as many followers, reviews, and shares as possible within the first 48 hours of launch. This will help boost the podcast’s ranking on major platforms.

8. Optimise Post-Launch for Continuous Improvement

Why This Matters: The work doesn’t stop after the podcast launches. Continuous optimisation is essential for maintaining and growing the audience over time. By analysing listener data and gathering feedback, content strategies can be refined, episodes can be improved, and the podcast can stay relevant and engaging.

Key Insight: Post-launch optimisation involves using advanced analytics and continuous feedback loops to refine the podcast. Tools like Chartable can track key metrics such as listener demographics, engagement rates, and episode performance. This data-driven approach helps to adjust content strategies, ensuring the podcast not only retains its audience but also continues to grow.

Actionable Advice:

  • Monitor Key Metrics: Regularly review analytics to gain insights into listener behaviour. Focus on which episodes perform best and which topics resonate most with the audience.
  • Iterate and Improve: Use listener feedback and analytics data to make continuous improvements to the podcast. Experiment with new formats, topics, and promotional strategies as needed.


Starting a B2B podcast isn’t just another content strategy—it’s a chance to make a lasting impact in your industry. It’s about creating a show that doesn’t just attract listeners but builds meaningful relationships, shapes important decisions, and drives real business outcomes.

  • Without a clear strategy, your podcast won’t stand out.
  • Without the right tools, your podcast won’t reach its potential.
  • Without the right knowledge, your podcast won’t make the impact it should.

Follow these steps to ensure your podcast becomes a powerful voice in your industry, ready to redefine the narrative.

Happy podcasting!

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