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Tim is passionate about building Zapier for Web3 and surfing the globe on his feet/a board.
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He has been deeply fascinated with all things web since C64, passionate about people, web3, and the future of work, Nomadic, globe-trotting c-x-everything at Grindery and InboundLabs.
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He is the host of the popular podcast - DAO Talks, join Tim on his personal journey of discovery, a series of talks with the Web3 builders about DAOs, life and everything else.
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How does one work, build, and invest in Decentralized autonomous organizations, or DAOs?
How are companies built on top of tokens and smart contracts?
How do we build a more meaningful and productive workforce in the 21st century?
This podcast host has been trained by our team of podcast ninjas. They know how to transform a podcast interview into an addictive piece of audio....