
Fame Podcast Host

Ryan Hogan
“We have a rule: always put people first. When you focus on people, everything else follows. With that approach, we’ve helped hundreds of organizations and thousands of individuals.”

Ryan Hogan is a Partner and CEO at Talent Harbor, a leadership search and fractional services firm specializing in business recruitment. Drawing on his experience as co-founder of Hunt A Killer, Ryan focuses on finding leadership solutions that match companies' unique cultures and visions.

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His method involves assessing leadership dynamics, conducting a detailed search for culturally aligned talent, and ensuring seamless integration with the First 90 Plan™. Ryan is a former U.S. Navy officer and serial entrepreneur who is passionate about building strong teams that drive strategic growth and success.

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Ryan is also the host of the Confessions of an Implementer podcast, where he sits down every week with different implementers and business leaders to discuss the unique stories of the companies they transformed. So make sure to listen to get a rare glimpse into the system's successes and challenges in action.

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Ask me

  • 1

    What are the most significant trends shaping the recruitment industry today, and how do you see them evolving over the next five years?

  • 2

    What innovative strategies have you implemented to attract top talent, and how do you ensure a seamless candidate experience during the hiring process?

  • 3

    As a leader in your field, how do you balance company culture with the need for high performance, and what advice would you give aspiring leaders?

  • 4

    Diversity and inclusion have become critical components of modern recruitment. How do you integrate these principles into your hiring practices and company culture?

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