Fame Podcast Host

Owen Bryant
“We bring the most important stakeholders to the table, people driving the R&D. We listen to them and want to learn from their perspective.”

Owen has over 10+ years of experience in graphic and creative design; his main responsibility at P4A is design and branding for internal and external projects.

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Owen moved into local government social services, setting up employment training enterprises for disadvantaged adults. He is also passionate about providing access to help for patients suffering from rare diseases.

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Owen is the co-host of the Let’s Talk Rare podcast, and away from work, he is a history buff who enjoys all things creative. Owen believes that successful design begins with honesty, that it asks the right questions, and comes from a spirit of collaboration.

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Ask me

  • 1

    How can I contribute towards helping patients and families?

  • 2

    How can we raise awareness about rare genetic diseases?

  • 3

    What is the most common issue for patients with rare diseases?

  • 4

    How do you use creativity while creating awareness of rare diseases?

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