Fame Podcast Host

Lee Kebler
“I led an amazing team of designers and developers to launch Walmart Land on Roblox. It gained 19 million unique users and was home to the Electric Fest concert in October of 2022.”

Since 2003, Lee Kebler has been at the forefront of blending technology with entertainment. His career began with a focus on broadcast studio design, where he shaped the audiovisual landscape for various high-profile clients, including will.i.am. As a talented music producer and songwriter, Lee has collaborated with iconic artists such as Britney Spears and the country duo Big & Rich, infusing cutting-edge technology into his creative processes.

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Transitioning into virtual reality and immersive technologies in 2016, Lee led significant initiatives, including managing the VR application for broadcasting the Japan 2020 Olympics for Intel and serving as a program manager for enterprise data at Nike. His innovative work has been foundational in launching enterprise VR platforms and spearheading large-scale marketing campaigns for major brands such as Walmart, Levi’s, and Nasdaq.

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Lee's insights into the intersection of technology and user engagement were highlighted during a TEDx talk in 2017 on enterprise VR. Currently, he is finalizing a book on generative AI while passionately exploring the implications of the splinternet theory and data privacy as regulations around BCI and immersive technology are crafted across the United States. Lee is also the co-host of TechMagic with Cathy Hackl podcast.

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Ask me

  • 1

    What recent breakthroughs in materials science and nanotechnology are paving the way for next-generation electronics, sensors, and energy storage devices?

  • 2

    How are advancements in quantum computing hardware and algorithms pushing the boundaries of computation, cryptography, and optimization problems?

  • 3

    What developments in robotics and automation are driving progress in fields such as manufacturing, logistics, and space exploration?

  • 4

    How are innovations in biometrics, such as facial recognition and fingerprint scanning, reshaping authentication and security measures in digital systems?

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