
Fame Podcast Host

Lauren DeSouza
“Entrepreneurship is simply creating something out of nothing or creating opportunities where there may have been a lack.”

Lauren is an alumnus of the 2020 cohort of Next 36. She is the Co-founder & CEO at Ace, an interview preparation platform in which they’re building confidence in interviewing and communication.

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Lauren is extremely passionate about leveraging tech in education, creating opportunities for others, and finding unconventional paths to increase someone’s chance of success. She is also a Wilfrid Laurier alumni who love the KW startup ecosystem. Her area of expertise is recruiting, sales, and all things Next 36!

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Lauren is the host of Retain: The Customer Retention Podcast, where she embarks on a journey to discover the power of retaining customers. Accompanied by marketing experts, this podcast will demystify customer retention and deep-dive into how international companies are using it to keep their customers coming back for more.

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Ask me

  • 1

    What does Next 36 mean to you?

  • 2

    How can founders maintain a positive mentality and stay resilient?

  • 3

    What are the challenges of launching a product-based business?

  • 4

    How did you find your Co-founder?

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This podcast host has been trained by our team of podcast ninjas. They know how to transform a podcast interview into an addictive piece of audio....