Fame Podcast Host

Jonathan Ames
“I often think, if I could go back and give myself advice, I would have said, ‘find a mentor earlier.’ ‘Find many mentors.’ And now, I mean, you have podcasts, you have blogs, you have all kinds of ways to connect with people on social and let them mentor you without you having to go up in front of them and say, ‘hey, be my mentor."

Jonathan Ames is a Digital Marketing Director who is passionate about fueling business growth. He believes that every business has a story to tell, and that telling that story in the right way can lead to growth.

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He is currently Marketing Director at ButterCMS where he is responsible for leading the marketing department and driving growth through demand generation and customer satisfaction. He further works as a Marketing Director Consultant at Amescreative where he provides strategy and tactical marketing for manufacturers, distributors, service organizations, and digital marketing companies.

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He is currently the host of Cutting Edge: Web Content Development, a podcast all about the world of CMS systems and their crucial role in website and web content development.

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Ask me

  • 1

    How can businesses tell their stories the right way to lead to growth?

  • 2

    If you had to pick your top three marketing strategies, what would they be and why?

  • 3

    Could you tell us about any stand-out times you helped clients develop their existing markets at Amescreative?

  • 4

    What does “buttery” growth mean to ButterCMS?

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