Fame Podcast Host

Georgie Rack
“I love Ceroc dancing. I also have over eight years of experience working in the Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare industry, with a strong background in organising events. I also co-host the P4A Let’s Talk Rare podcast."

At Partners4Access, Georgie's role includes organising conferences on Orphan Drugs, Cell and Gene Therapies, and patient care. Georgie also manages and coordinates promotional activities, marketing efforts, and administrative tasks.

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Georgie has previously worked for the Conservative Party under David Cameron, worked through two UK General Elections and assisted with organising two Conservative Party Conferences.

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Georgie also co-hosts the monthly P4A Let’s Talk Rare podcast, where we cover all touchpoints around rare diseases, including patient access to drugs and special care, orphan drugs that could help but aren’t produced, the onus of clinical trial and much more.

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Ask me

  • 1

    Why are rare diseases hard to cure?

  • 2

    What are some examples of rare diseases?

  • 3

    Why don’t more orhan drugs go into production if they can save lives?

  • 4

    Why are clinical trials so slow?

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