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Francesca is an Advocacy and Outreach Associate for the Vaccine Acceptance & Demand team at the Sabin Vaccine Institute, a leading advocate for expanding vaccine access, and the Co-Host of the Sabin Vaccine Institute Podcast.
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Francesca is well experienced in public health and rural communities immunization outreach. Over the years, she helped companies like National Foundation for Cancer Research, Kohl, The Borgen Project and Sabin Vaccine Institute to enhance their vaccine acceptance advocacy.
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Francesca hosts conversations with her Sabin Vaccine Institute podcast guests, which reveal some of the resolutions of world health bodies on challenges of immunization, and the importance of improving healthcare workers welfare.
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Why is the rate of vaccine acceptance low in rural communities?
What are the strategies to be taken to assist community healthcare workers?
What are the lessons learnt from some of your podcast guests?
What advice do you have for those health practitioners in the rural areas?
This podcast host has been trained by our team of podcast ninjas. They know how to transform a podcast interview into an addictive piece of audio....