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Evan Reiser is the CEO of Abnormal Security and a technology executive with more than ten years of experience building enterprise SaaS products using applied machine learning.
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Evan loves working with customers to solve real business problems with cutting-edge technology, which makes him the perfect Co-Host for the podcast he's created with us!
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Along with Saam Motamedi, Evan hosts the Enterprise Software Innovators podcast, where they discuss with the world's best technology executives, who share how disruptive and innovative technologies are deployed within their enterprise organizations.
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How can enterprises approach digital transformation?
What is the role of a CIO, and when do I know I need to hire one?
What is the next-generation technology you are excited about?
Who is responsible for driving enterprise digital transformation?
This podcast host has been trained by our team of podcast ninjas. They know how to transform a podcast interview into an addictive piece of audio....