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Dima has nineteen years of experience in the UI/UX Design space. He runs Fireart Studio as a boutique design and software development company committed to innovations and beautiful technologies. He equally enjoys working with ambitious startups and established brands like Google, Rolls-Royce, and Atlassian.
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Fireart Studio unites professionals with extensive experience in web development. Most of the team members have worked with us from the start, and their experience and professionalism allow us to confidently move forward and accept the most complicated projects.
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Dima also hosts the Product Leaders Podcast, where he, along with Tolik Nguyen, have in-depth conversations with product leaders that are focused on creating great digital products for their customers. Each episode is a deep dive into discovering trending tactics digital product leaders use to help the end user.
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What is the secret to designing products that users love?
How do I identify solutions to make my customer’s life easier?
What are the current trends in software design?
How can I drive a design philosophy at my company?
This podcast host has been trained by our team of podcast ninjas. They know how to transform a podcast interview into an addictive piece of audio....