Fame Podcast Host

Bozidar Jovicevic
“Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.” - Albert Einstein

Bozidar is the CEO at Evermed, an HCP engagement company that brings world-class medical education to physicians.

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He is a digital life science executive passionate about innovation, technology, and human behavior.

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Hosting the Pharma Launch Secrets podcast, Bozidar speaks with world-leading pharma launch experts about the latest trends and strategies to launch your product successfully.

<iframe id="bCastiFrmr8kpk4vn" src="https://player.bcast.fm/pharma-launch-secrets/r8kpk4vn-biopharmas-digital-transformation-meg-heim" frameborder="0" height="180"  seamless="true" style="width:100%;height:180px;" width="100%"></iframe>

Ask me

  • 1

    What’s the one area of launches that pharma can leverage better?

  • 2

    What are some top trends and strategies to launch a product successfully?

  • 3

    How can digital transformation and innovation impact the pharma industry?

  • 4

    How can pharma create content efficiently and at scale?

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