
Solidifying a Podcast as a Vital Resource Hub in the Insurance Sector with Cytora

Solidifying a Podcast as a Vital Resource

Hub in the Insurance Sector with Cytora

Top 30
Business/Management Podcast in the UK
Over 100 countries
Listening to Making Risk Flow

Cytora came to Fame looking to establish their current podcast, Making Risk Flow, in the competitive insurance sector.

Making Risk Flow had been up and running for seven months before joining forces with us here at Fame. After an initial assessment, it was clear the podcast had a lot going for it: a knowledgeable and respected Host in Juan de Castro, a creative and ambitious Executive Producer in Daria Kepa-Green, and it was powered by a forward-thinking and modern company in Cytora.

So, we knew that it was mostly a matter of fine-tuning the podcast overtime. Whether that be in terms of audio production with adding dynamic intros and outro, how the podcast is promoted at industry conferences using creative advertising, or reframing our guest persona to target the biggest names in insurance.

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After working together for almost a year, the wonderful relationship between Cytora and Fame is nurtured by our consistent enthusiasm and unrelenting desire to keep evolving the show.

Such efforts have led to some BIG results…

  • Making Risk Flow is now No.3 on Google’s recommended ‘Best Insurance Podcasts’, which has helped give us further credibility. 
  • The podcast recently broke into the Top 30 of the competitive Business/Management Apple Podcast Charts in the UK, the client’s desired region. 
  • As a testament to the show's international appeal, after securing a download in Cape Verde, Making Risk Flow recently reached the prestigious accolade of being listened to in over 100 countries worldwide! 

As Cytora attest to, with the help of Fame, their now established podcast has truly enabled them to add an extra string to their content production bow. Plus, their brand’s recognition is increasing with every new listener and now they are a trusted source of information in the industry.

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“The Account Manager, Luke is an absolute champ and amazing to work with. I can't recommend enough. Never take him off my account.”

Daria Kepa-Green

“The Account Manager, Luke is an absolute champ and amazing to work with. I can't recommend enough. Never take him off my account.”

Daria Kepa-Green